View the full newsletter here.
Code REDD Membership Model
Code REDD has successfully launched its new membership model. A central hub for all REDD+ stakeholders, Code REDD is a member-based nonprofit whose mission is to support and scale the REDD+ mechanism to realize its full potential to empower people, preserve forests, protect wildlife, and reduce emissions. Our members and partners now include project developers, corporate buyers, nonprofit partners, multilateral institutions, development agencies, and government partners.
The new model and governance structure was presented to all members at the inaugural Members Meeting on March 25, 2014. Please email gina at coderedd dot org for meeting minutes.
Please contact kate at coderedd dot org for any membership-related questions, comments, or suggestions.
Code REDD Programs
Code REDD serves its mission of supporting and scaling the REDD+ mechanism through:
Private Sector Engagement: Communicating the value of REDD+ to the private sector while connecting REDD+ to relevant corporate goals
Policy Alignment: Aligning REDD+ with emerging climate and sustainable development policies
Community Building: Uniting and advancing the global REDD+ community
Publications, Papers, & Materials
- Code REDD was a signatory to IETA’s “Declaration for a Balanced Approach to Financing and Implementing REDD+” at COP19. Fellow signatories to the message of enabling scaled and predictable private sector financing for REDD+ included CMIA, Global Canopy Programme, and Environmental Defense Fund.
- Code REDD published an article with Rainforest Alliance and the Skoll World Forum on better aligning REDD+ with corporate sustainable supply chain goals. “Giving credit where credit is due: Using REDD+ finance to enhance sustainable forest management” is one of the first mainstream discussions of aligning the two mutually reinforcing initiatives.
- Code REDD published an article on the newly emerging international priority of creating demand for REDD+ Verified Emission Reductions in Sustainable Brands, a news source for corporate sustainability professionals. Read more here: “New UN-Backed Report Calls for More Private Sector Engagement in REDD+.”
- Code REDD and Duke University published a study on “Attracting Private Investment to REDD+”. Graduate researchers from Duke’s School of Business and School of the Environment interviewed REDD+ practitioners, buyers, and investors as well as surveyed potential corporate buyers in order to better understand and align REDD+ practice with buyer expectations.
Engagement & Outreach
- Code REDD presented REDD+ Talks: Colombia on April 9th, 2014 with USAID. The event provided an opprotunity to connect with Colombian policy makers, members of the aid/development community, private sector representatives, and many more. See the full newsletter more information.
- Code REDD held its first Members Meeting on March 25, 2014. The meeting covered Code REDD’s new membership and governance structure; budget; programs; communications; and subcommittees. If you were unable to make this meeting, please email gina at coderedd dot org for the meeting minutes.
- Code REDD is working with the European Commission on its Operationalizing Potential for Ecosystem Research Applications (OPERAs) Project. The Project aims to better integrate ecosystem service frameworks and natural capital accounting into economic policy, and Code REDD is representing the voice of the REDD+ community in this exciting initiative.
- In April 2014, Code REDD became a member of the Tropical Forest Alliance, an alliance under USAID and the Global Consumer Goods Forum to achieve net zero deforestation by 2020. Code REDD brings the voice of the REDD+ community to this group of governments, corporations, and civil organizations and looks forward to the future collaborative opportunities it will bring.
Previous Events & Speaking Engagements
- On March 20th, Code REDD spoke at the World Forest Foundation in Berlin on the importance of REDD+ in private sector-led forest protection. Code REDD presented on “The Business Case for Investing in Forests” alongside the Althelia Climate Fund, IUCN Netherlands, and Forest Carbon Group.
- On March 26th, Code REDD hosted a workshop at Navigating the American Carbon World in San Francisco. The workshop, “Recent Developments in the REDD+ Voluntary Market and Opportunities for Integrating REDD+ into California’s Cliamte Policies“, engaged a standing-room only crowd at the largest and most comprehensive gathering for climate change policy and market development. The workshop focused on REDD+ integration into California’s Cap and Trade Program.
- Code REDD attended USAID’s Innovation in REDD+ Development workshop on April 10 and 11 in Cartagena, Colombia. Topics discussed included harnessing new technology for carbon mapping and novel investment and financing mechanisms for REDD+. Code REDD was honored to be mentioned in the event’s opening remarks as an organization bringing innovation to demand-side engagement in REDD+.
- On April 30-May 1, Code REDD attended the Ceres conference in Boston. Ceres is a US-based initiative to mobilize investor and business leadership to build a thriving, sustainable global economy. The organization facilitates business support for climate action, impact investing, low-carbon development, and sustainable agriculture. Code REDD’s presence at the event brought the voice of REDD+ to over 600 sustainability and investment leaders.
Upcoming Activities
- On May 15th, Code REDD will be speaking at a workshop on “Creating Appropriate Incentives to Scale Up Private Sector Investment in REDD+ from 2015-2020” in London. The event will be held at PwC headquarters and co-presented by Global Canopy Programme and the UNEP Finance Initiative.
- From May 28th to May 30th, Code REDD will be attending and exhibiting at Carbon Expo 2014. The event highlights the global intersection of climate finance, carbon markets, and clean energy, and Code REDD will be there to represent the voice of the REDD+ community. We will be hosting an informational table on REDD+ and our member network, so please let us know if you will be there!
- From June 2nd to June 5th, Code REDD will be attending Sustainable Brands, one of the largest corporate sustainability conferences in the US. The event brings together thousands of corporate sustainability, marketing, branding, and operations professionals to advance the role of business in environmental and social solutions. Code REDD will bring the voice of the REDD+ community to this event, where the program includes sessions on deforestation, carbon management, and sustainable supply.
- On 22nd October 2014, Code REDD will present REDD+ Talks: London, the latest event in the ground-breaking REDD+ Talks series to unite and advance REDD+. The event will be held at a prestigious corporate headquarters with high-profile partners, speakers, and sponsors.
- In late October 2014, Code REDD will present an unprecedented event to bring together the REDD+ and sustainable supply communities in order to unify and advance these mutually reinforcing initiatives. The event will be held in Europe in conjunction with high-profile partners and participants.
- Next Members Meeting will be held on June 12th at Code REDD headquarters.
News from our Members
Code REDD is excited to welcome Norton Rose, Althelia, Kering, and Forest Carbon Group to the Code REDD community! You can learn more about our new members on the Code REDD website.
- BioCarbon will also be at Carbon Expo in Cologne! You can stop by the Code REDD/BioREDD+ booth to pick up some materials on their recent activities. BioCarbon will also be attending Sustainable Brands, June 2-5.
- Visit Eneco’s stand at Carbon Expo in Cologne May 28-30th. They will also be hosting a side event: ‘Developing Clean cookstove projects – experiences from the field’ on May 29th at 11:45am in Meeting Room 3, 2nd floor.
Please continue to send us your news and updates! We are always happy to hear from our members and supporters.
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